Database is reset every month or so..

Shop Forums ThermIQ web implementering Database is reset every month or so..

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  • #5531

    Hi everyone,

    I’ve been running thermiq more than a year now with a nslu and an external USB raid HD. Every month or so the database is lost. In the web interface the yesterday date is set to 01.01.1970, and the same in aggregated hour, aggregated day and raw data.

    Is it a fix for this, or and does someone know how to include this in the alarm mail module?

    I also try to recover the database, but it always fails (no error message, maybe i’m doing it wrong?, I just mark all databases and click recover) So when I meet the problem I create a new permanent databse as well as a new temporary database.

    Any input is most welcome!

    Best Regards,

    Svein Erlandsen


    nslu säljes riktigt billigt;-)


    Svein Erlandsen


    Have you tried the “Try to recover database” The NSLU has some memory problem which manifests itself with a crashed database. This usually happens when accessing the original setuppages of the NSLU. I’ve noticed it when changing clock in the web-gui.



    Thank you for the reply. The “Try to recover database” did never work for me.

    Now I have bought a cheap Dlink DNS 320 that has much better performance.

    Best Regards,

    Svein Erlandsen


    I finally found a way to fix this by changing the way php treats errormessages. Edit /opt/etc/php.ini

    find and changethe following value to Off:

    log_errors = Off

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